Friday, December 16, 2005


Do you feel like this when you’ve taken yours?

‘Smile a while, because if you smile, someone else will smile and there will be miles and miles of smiles just because you smiled.’

Even if you have to take a drug to help you smile.

Many days even when I have taken my meds I still don’t feel like smiling. Today I am fine…for how long? I don’t know. I wake up at 1pm…angry that I have wasted the morning…anyone who wants to do my Christmas shopping for me can…I don’t think I am ever going to see the shops at this rate…I have to go to work as well and do you think I can be bothered to move out of my bed? NOPE!!!

One hour I am up and the next hour I am down…who likes roller coasters? Right now I don’t.

Sometimes I want to cry. But Why? There is no point it doesn’t do anything for me. I just feel the same afterwards. Crying is good for you…but if you hold it in like I have done for so many years then it begins to get difficult…I will cry if someone writes to me about how much they love me and how much God is there for me…But can I see it? NO…I just want to hide when I feel down…

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