Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Who Am I? How Am I?

This picture above is a picture of me mixed with an angel, and someone who is hurt...
I suffer and have suffered for too long from depression....docotrs dont give you enough time to open up...10minutes is not long enough...I cant tell them everything in that ammount of time

Spike Milligan knows what he is talking about in that quote...depressed peole are exactly as he describes...or for me it is...may not for you I dont know.....

I always feel that noone care when I feel depressed but I know if I come online then I will find a friend...There are so many people in the world that suffer from depression and if you suffer from it then you are not alone...never feel like you are not wanted cause you are...I know that it can be hard to see that when you are so low...I know that because I have been there...I dont like it but it is something that we all feel....I never feel loved or cared for but i know that there are people who do...ask for help and you will find a world that you never knew...

The smile behind the depression.....the angels are there...they are with you where ever you walk so you know that your not alone....even through the dark times you are being watched and you are being helpped...it will feel like you dont see that and I again can say i know that....I turn from everything rather than turning to it....

Take care in what ever you do....please look for help....join a yahoo forum for advice from others who are going through the same thing as you are....they will help you and give you support and advice...I know....Ive found that out...i know there are people who care...I know that even though I dont see it very often...

Call a hotline for help

Call a friend for a chat

Listen to music

Write a journal

Do some drawings

Do something that will put a smile on your face and lift your spirits.

Take Care and Keep Safe Always


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